Uniform ensures that everyone feels part of our school community and helps to bind us together. High standards of uniform at The Marvell College are essential to ensure that students are ready for learning and can feel safe and secure. Wearing The Marvell College uniform reflects our values of being an inclusive school which constantly strives for excellence.
We are certain that students will feel smart and proud in their Marvell College uniform. Uniform helps to create a strong sense of identity and togetherness in a community which puts children first.
Please click here to visit Steady Schoolwear.
The basic information about our school uniform in terms of items required and prices are itemised below. We have no seasonal items and expect blazers to always be worn around school except for break and lunch time. Blazers may be removed in classrooms. For more detailed information please read our uniform booklet via the link below.
Upon leaving the school at the end of Year 11, students are invited to donate their uniform to the school. Whilst there is no formal second-hand retail market, we will, of course, work with any families struggling to meet the cost of uniform.
Any item identified with an asterisk * is only available from our supplier, Steady School Wear. All non-asterisked items can be purchased from any clothes supplier or supermarket, if it meets our criteria.
*Blazers from £28.99
*Tie clip-on £6.50
Plain white collared shirt
Approved branded trousers
Plain black school shoes – (for example no metallic decoration or boots)
*The Marvell College black jumper from £21.99
*The Marvell College grey school skirt from £16.00
*Navy Marvell polo t-shirt from £15.99
Navy football socks
Suitable sports trainers
Studded footwear for football / rugby (plastic studs)
*Boys’ navy Marvell rugby shirt navy from £18.00
*Unisex navy Marvell Fleece from £21.99
*PE Marvell ¾ zip top from £21.99
We strongly recommended for football, hockey and rugby: gum shield and shin pads.
All asterisked* uniform can be purchased and ordered from Steady School Wear on Holderness Road:
29 Holderness Road