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A minimum attendance of 97% is vital for students to make good academic progress. Anything less than this can have a negative affect on your child’s future achievements. Evidence shows that this level of attendance is linked to good progress and a higher level of achievement.

Parents and carers are responsible for ensuring that their children attend school every day possible.

Parents/carers of students who are deemed as lower than average attendance or persistent absentees (less than 90% attendance) will be required to work with the school to improve attendance.

Students track their own attendance in their planners. Attendance information is also displayed in the tutor rooms and around the school.

Term Time Holidays

We follow the Department of Education guidelines and as such advise parents/carers that it is not acceptable to take holidays during term-time.

Medical Appointments

Parents and carers are asked to avoid arranging medical and similar appointments during school hours, evidence of proof must be provided to the school through the Edulink app if it is impossible to arrange appointments outside of school hours. Appointments made after 2pm cause the least disruption to your child’s education. We expect students to return to school to continue their learning if an appointment is during the day.

Leave of Absence in Exceptional Circumstances

Please ensure that requests for leave of absence from the school are made well in advance and must be submitted to the Headteacher. Holiday leave will not be granted. Requests will be considered on an individual basis in accordance with school policy.

Please note that Leave of Absence will NOT be granted during public examinations or timetabled events. Leave taken without prior permission from the Headteacher will be treated as unauthorised and legal action will be taken by the school. This may be in the form of the issue of a Penalty Charge Notice or Court action.

Informing the school of a student absence

Parents/carers must telephone the Attendance Office at The Marvell College to inform us of, and also explain the reason for the absence of a student. This must be done before 8:20am. This is achieved by contacting The Marvell College on 01482 799132 and selecting option 1 from the switchboard. Any message left must contain the name of the student, their Year or Tutor Group and a specific reason for the absence. Detailed communication regarding your child’s absence via the Edulink app is also welcome.

It is our policy to telephone home if absence is unexplained, some absences may not be authorised. Holidays taken during term time will not be authorised and fines may be incurred for this. If contact home cannot be made then home visits may be carried out as this is a safeguarding concern if we have not being informed about a child’s whereabouts when they are expected in school.

Absences of 3 days or more require medical proof. This can be in the form of a specific letter from the GP/Hospital which must state the nature of the condition and the length of time the student must refrain from attending The Marvell College. Please make the school aware of any on-going medical issues. Again, a welfare home visit may be carried out by the Educational welfare officer and a member of the year team to support students and families.


It is very important that students arrive to school and to all lessons on time. The school day starts at 8.40am and all students should be in the school building by this time. Students should arrive at the school site no later than 8.35am.

Students are sanctioned with a same-day detention if they are late to school.

Signing Out

If students need to leave school during the teaching day, they must have permission from the school and must sign out at reception.

Permission will only be granted if a letter or note, in the planner, is brought from home for the Form Tutor or Year Office, who will check authenticity. These may be confirmed by staff contacting home also. If students need to leave during lesson time, the letter/note must be shown to the teacher before the lesson starts.

Before leaving the premises, students must sign out at reception. This is a Health and Safety issue as we need to be aware of who is on site at all times and that all students are accounted for.

Please note that students are not allowed to leave the site at break times. Year 11 students have the option of leaving the school site at lunch time, provided they sign in and out and return to site no later than 13:45pm. Afternoon lessons begin with registration at 13:50pm.

Attendance graphic

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