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Study Support/Revision

The staff at The Marvell College are dedicated to ensuring that every student has the opportunity to reach their full potential. To support this, the school day for Year 11 students will finish at 4pm. This allows us to include a sixth period.

Period 6 lessons are compulsory and a normal part of the school day for Year 11 students run by specialist staff. These lessons give the students time to delve deeper into their GCSE studies and revise content covered in previous years.

The table below will explain which lesson they need to attend, this is done on a rota to allow all subjects to deliver lessons. Should any Year 11 student be unsure about which lesson to attend at any point, then please see your year team who will support you.


    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
ODD M Science  English  Hums/COPE Option A  Maths 
ODD N RE/COPE Maths Option C Option A English 
EVEN M RE/COPE English Option C Option B  Maths 
EVEN N Science  Maths  Hums/COPE Option B English 

In addition to revision and preparation in school, we also expect that students reflect our ARC values in their home revision. In order to support this, please find links to general revision materials below.


Oak National Academy

Oak National Academy provides over 10,000 free video lessons, resources and activities in a variety of subjects.

BBC Bitesize

BBC Bitesize provides guides and videos for all GCSE subjects


Our extended learning platform also has multiple ways for students to complete independent study.


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