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Charity of the Year

The Marvell College community recognises the need to help others, and the school aims to raise a large amount of money for charity every year. The school is very proud of the commitment and eagerness of its students to raise funds for its chosen charities year after year. Every term sees each year group take responsibility for planning, organising and delivering a variety of fundraising events in order to help make a difference.

In addition, many students engage in community work, and a number of our students help to collect much needed foodbank items and assist with the delivery of these each half term.

The Charity Committee is a student group made up from volunteer representatives from each of our year groups. The group researches a variety of local or national charities and decides which organisations will benefit from fundraising drives and initiatives which the pupils lead on each year.

The group meets regularly to discuss ideas for fundraising and to organise events for our school community to raise awareness, and of course funds, for our charities. They also work closely with the local foodbank St Philips Church, Bilton Grange in order to raise much needed supplies to support the most vulnerable in our local community.

Charity Partners 2021/22

Charity Year Group Total Raised

Roux's Army (A fundraising campaign for the Leeds Hospitals Charity)

7 £1,000
Candlelighters 8 £1,972.15
Macmillan Cancer Support 9 £723,10
Alzheimer's Research UK 10 £480.13
Hull Mind 11 £71.75
Total Raised   £4,247.13

Charity Partners 2022/23:

Charity                                                                                                     Year Group Total Raised
Leeds Hospital Charity 7 £635.30
Emmaus Hull 8 £303.62
P.A.U.L for Brain Recovery 9 £421.01
Macmillan Cancer Support 10 £396.92
Brain Tumour Research 11 £1,084.17
Total Raised   £2,841.02

Charity Partners 2023/24:

Charity Year Group
Hull Foodbank 7
Leeds Hospitals Charity 8
Ruben's Voice 9
Jacob's Well 10
Macmillan Cancer Support 11

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Hull Foodbank

We don’t think anyone in our community should have to face going hungry. That’s why we provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to us in crisis. We are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.



Leeds Hospitals Charity

Leeds Hospitals Charity

Our Vision

Is for Leeds Teaching Hospitals to be the best hospital, in the healthiest city in the UK.

Our Mission

Is to support Leeds Teaching Hospitals in their aim to deliver the best care to patients and their families. We do this by working together with patients and their families, donors, fundraisers, volunteers, local businesses and other charities in order to raise additional funding. Funding is delivered through our six priority areas: Equipment, Research, Education, Health & Wellbeing, Environment and Specialist Staff.

Leeds Hospitals provide specialist care to people all across Yorkshire.



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Ruben’s Voice

The Ruben’s Voice charity aims to break the stigma around talking about feeling mentally unwell and asking for or accepting help when offered.



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Jacob's Well

Since 1984 Jacob’s Well Appeal has been working in over 30 countries, including Afghanistan, Romania, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Pakistan, The Philippines and Kenya.  From our offices and large warehouse in Beverley we continue to the change the world one life at a time by supplying:

  • Medical aid
  • Agricultural equipment and projects
  • Educational supplies and projects
  • Tools and building supplies
  • Emergency disaster relief
  • Small business start-up schemes
  • Sponsoring children in the developing world
  • Volunteers willing to go abroad and make a difference



Macmillan Cancer Support

Macmillan Cancer Support

Macmillan Cancer Support is here to do whatever it takes to support people living with cancer.

Right now, more than 3 million people are living with cancer in the UK. By 2030 this figure will rise to 4 million.

We’re here to help everyone with cancer live life as fully as they can, by providing physical, financial and emotional support. We'll do whatever it takes, no matter what a person's needs are, we will listen and support them however they need us to — big or small.
