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History Matters. Studying the past informs us about the challenges of the present.

History Curriculum Intent

The History curriculum is designed to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of history, from early Viking history to the present day. Through the study of different peoples, events and themes, students are challenged to develop their key historical knowledge. This is achieved by focusing on written skills, source analysis and understanding historical interpretations which underpin the study of History.

We focus on the following key areas

Inference. We work to build students’ ability to reach a judgement based on evidence using a variety of sources of information.

Analysis. Developing our students’ ability to examine and question a range of information and evidence provided by historical sources and interpretations. This is then used to make their own historical judgments.

Explanation. Building students’ ability to explain and analyse historical evidence about events and periods studied using second-order historical concepts.

Writing to argue. Developing students’ ability to create a balanced argument and support it using relevant historical evidence to form a judgement.


More details of our curriculum plan for History can be found by clicking on the link below.

Link to Edexcel GCSE History


Link to Oak Academy lessons



Link to BBC Bitesize resources


History Curriculum Plan