Individual teachers set high quality homework that is appropriate to the learning needs of students.
We do not set homework for its own sake. We also recognise that the amount of homework set should not prevent students from enjoying quality family time or participating in activities after school such as sport, music or clubs.
We aim to set appropriate and regular homework for the following reasons:
The Marvell College does not have a fixed homework timetable with time allocated for different subjects on different evenings. Instead, departmental leaders decide an appropriate amount of time for students to be completing homework. This is dependent on the number of hours they teach to each year group.
The time we expect students to spend on homework per week (including the weekend) increases as they progress through the school.
All students have a Student Planner which they carry with them at all times to record their homework. Tutors and parents/carers are asked to check and sign these on a weekly basis enabling two-way communication between home and school.
Teachers are expected to allow sufficient time in the lesson for students to copy down the task instructions and the submission date into their planners. Teachers are responsible for checking that all students have done this. It is recommended that teachers set the homework task well before the end of the lesson to allow time for students to copy down the task and to answer any questions about the task.